04 Nov Jonathan Pellegrin: Honored for Decades of Commitment to the Growth & Success of Rosemurgy Properties
All of us at Rosemurgy Properties were honored to have Jonathan Pellegrin at our corporate office Tuesday, October 29, 2019, for a special dedication ceremony. Pellegrin is the former second-generation CEO of Johnson Hill Press & PTN Publishing Company and leading world-renowned specialist in Family Business Practices at both Harvard Business School and Stanford University. After working with the Rosemurgy family for 7 years, Pellegrin completed the process of transitioning the company leadership from its founder, Jim Rosemurgy, to his son (Alexander Rosemurgy), daughter (Kimberly Rosemurgy) and son-in-law (Nicholas DeSiato) on November 15, 2010.
“He was the bridge that got us from where Deanna [Rosemurgy] and I were to where you all are today. For that we owe him all the gratitude in the world. If Jonathan hadn’t created that bridge, I don’t know what would have happened – but it wouldn’t have been the great success you, all together, have achieved.” ~ Jim Rosemurgy
“Of all the mentors I have been lucky enough to have, I never had one as astute about business process and governance and also as loving a mentor as Jonathan was to me. He is my second father. Thank you putting us here and for working so tirelessly through some difficult moments to give Kimberly [Rosemurgy], Nic [DeSiato] and I the opportunity to go do what we believed we could do. We’ve done a great job in honoring and pushing forward the legacy that my parents started thanks in large part to your continued support and guidance. It is now our job to carry that legacy forward and pass it on to the 3rd generation.” ~ Alexander S. Rosemurgy II
“I couldn’t be prouder of this company and what you are all accomplishing. I have been bursting with pride all day. I just want to thank all of you for the extraordinary performance that you are demonstrating every day. It’s amazing, Congratulations!” ~ Jonathan Pellegrin
“We owe our entire way of life to you.” ~ Kimberly Rosemurgy
Left to Right: (Top Row) Alexander Rosemurgy, Jamie Rosemurgy, Kimberly Rosemurgy, Nicholas DeSiato (Bottom Row) Jim Rosemurgy, Jonathan Pellegrin